Thanks to Covid-19 , the isolation that many are experiencing right now is causing uncertainty and stress for many people in the last few months.

As the uncertainty of the Covid-19 virus effects people around that world in different ways, most people are feeling alone and, in some, cases desperate for some relief.  The sale of alcohol has risen dramatically as people try to find coping mechanisms for relief.

I recently read a great article that reminds us all that we are not in the same boat, but we are all in  the same storm. We are riding different boats. Some of those boats are stable and riding out the waves, while others are being tossed about and wrecked, leaving the occupants hanging on for dear life.

Whether your waves are created by the consequences of catching the virus or carrying the virus, or the stress of being forced to stay at home / a safe distance from other people, we all need healthy coping mechanisms to make it through this pandemic.

While Alcohol and other mood altering drugs will help change your mood, and relieve stress temporarily, the consequences of these coping mechanisms are full of problems and dangers. Don’t become a victim to the trails and stresses of Covid-19.

A far better and more effective mood changer is Hypnosis, Mediation, and other Trance Inducing Programs.  It has been proven to effectively reduce Cortisol, and Adrenaline in your system, and to raise Endorphins, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine within the system.

So many people have found relief through Hypnosis and Life Coaching for a vast range of issues such as Addictions, Pain Management, Anger Management, Low Self Worth, and Esteem, Weight Management, and Stress Relief. In these times of Stress and uncertainty, you can give yourself the gift of Stress Relief by learning the secrets of Hypnosis, and specifically by learning about Foundations Hypnosis and Emotional Release Therapy.

Call now, (206) 417-4900, Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching. Let go of the stress, learning healthy and empowering coping mechanisms.