Science tells us that all matter is actually waves of Frequency, Vibration, and Sound. That means that everything is made up of energy, and energy is composed of Frequency and Vibration. What exactly does that mean?

From the moment we are born, (and some research / studies suggest that this process begins in the womb), we are inundated with the sounds, frequencies, and vibrations that exist all around us. From the people, and media around us, we are taught what it means to be a good boy or girl, what it takes to be successful in our culture, how we can fit in and how to succeed in this environment. Your brain is programmed with an operating system that allows you to take in and adapt the information that you are going to be filled with, from everyone and everything around you. Basically this sounds like a good system of operation, BUT holed on!

Our brain, (both consciously and unconsciously), activates the nervous system, and our nervous system is composed of two different major parts, the Sympathetic Nervous System, and the Para-Sympathetic Nervous System. The Sympathetic Nervous System activates and runs our defensive responses, our Flight, Fight, and Freeze responses, by causing neurochemicals, such as adrenaline and cortisol and Norepinephrine to be released in the body. These responses have kept us relatively safe for thousands of years. In the past they kept us safe from wild animal predators, and other natural threats. As our society has grown, and progressed,  we no longer have to worry, as much. about many natural dangers, as most of us live inside of structures that provide protection from such things.  This fact has not stopped the Sympathetic Nervous System from doing its job and cause us to respond with the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response when ever we feel threatened, which includes being yelled at, and bullied, (mentally abused and attacked). To reduce and eliminate these responses, we have to learn to activate our Para-Sympathetic Nervous System, which activates and runs our more positive responses, by causing neurochemicals such as Dopamine,  Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins which allow us to feel sensations of happiness, closeness, and joy.


Everything that exists, including thoughts and emotions, are composed of Vibrating Energy, and every vibration produces a frequency.




This fact has given rise to the Law of Attraction, for just like Magnetic Waves, Vibrations attract Vibrations, and since our thoughts and emotions are vibrating energy, they do attract corresponding vibrations and frequencies.


For years, we have been taught, primarily in the western culture, we are out thoughts, and we are our emotions. Rene Descartes, a sixteenth century philosopher introduced the idea that most of us have heard, and been taught, throughout our lives, “I think therefore I am”. This is  incorrect. We think because our brains are designed to produce thoughts / ideas / and images. These thoughts / ideas / images are what cause our Central Nervous System to switch from the Sympathetic to the Para-Sympathetic Nervous System. Many of us unconsciously follow along with these thoughts and images and different thoughts and images produce various frequencies and vibrations, that flow out of us like radio waves and combine with other thoughts and images of the same frequencies and vibrations. (Much like when we tune into various radio and television channels by switching the tuning dial. Given the fact that we are not taught that we are in control of our thoughts and emotions we feel trapped by the resulting responses caused by these thoughts and images).

YOU are in control, and with the technique of Hypnosis you can learn to change your thinking and emotions, and thus learn how to allow the body to move from the Sympathetic to the Para Sympathetic Nervous System, and consciously create and experience your choice of responses. With Hypnosis and specifically with Foundations Personal Energy Mastery you will CONSCIOUSLY be able to reduce and eliminate things from your life such responses as Anger, Stress, Anxiety, various coping mechanisms such as smoking, over eating, drug and alcohol use, and many other consequential behaviors.

Are you ready to control of your life? Do you want to change your thinking, your Frequencies. and Vibrations, and thus take control of yourself. As it is stated in programs such as 12 Steps, or other support groups, you cannot control other people and outside events, but YOU CAN Control Yourself. Learn one of the most effective tools / techniques to take control of your life and responses to life.

Call Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching now, (206) 417-4900, or e-mail Foundations at Within a matter of one or just a few sessions you will feel better and be more in control of your own life.