The daily stress that people are dealing with is getting more and more pronounced, and people are looking for ways of addressing the ongoing stress and anxiety that increasingly affect them on a daily basis. Hypnosis, downloads, and DVD(s), are providing powerful aids, for these times of social isolation and lock downs. .

Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching is getting more and more calls from potential clients who are seeking to gain tools to help them lower the daily affects of and the daily consequences of the stress.  My first reaction is to try and set up an appointment for 1;1 sessions, but just as a client who called yesterday coming in for a 1:1 is becoming harder and harder, as this client states, “my partner and I are terrified of exposure to the virus and we really would not feel comfortable coming out of our house unless we have too”.

Although I recommend personal 1:1 sessions, I also recommend purchasing and listening to the various Hypnotic MP3(s) and Downloads that you ill find on the Shop Page / products page of this website.

You may ask, do these products work?  There has been a lot of research on the effectiveness of Hypnotic products, and so far the verdict is in, the effectiveness of these tools can help immensely as we move through these dark, cold, and winter months of this worldwide pandemic.

Go to the Shop page of this website and find the downloadable MP3 that most matches your issue. I would recommend that you purchase the Emotional Release Therapy download, (this is the foundation of all the continuing work through Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching).

As always, if you are looking for personalized 1:1 sessions, I am seeing clients, following strict safety guidelines to maintain health and safety. Call Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching at (206) 417-4900, you will so glad that you did.