Hypnosis, Who is in charge here? This is one of the first things that I have to address with a client when they first come in, is, Hypnosis, Who is in charge here? Most client’s have been lead to believe that the Hypnotic effect is going to take away their issue, or is going to make the issue go away. As I explain to all clients, being a Hypnotherapist does not give me magic powers to make people do what ever I want. If I was able to make people do anything that I want, I would not be sitting here with you, (the client), I would be on the eastside with Bill Gates, saying, “give me your money, give me your money”. So the question is again, Hypnosis, Who is in charge here?   

When You are first born,  (some research state that this process starts in the womb), we spend about seven years in which our conscious mind is not in control, but instead, our sub conscious mind is in total control, and we are listening to and experiencing everyone and everything around us. This pieces of information become our brain’s program.

Every since our species first came into existence, we human beings are effectively a self protecting mechanisms. If we feel threatened, (by lack of food, wild animals, life threats of various natures), our brains, (unconsciously),  activate the Sympathetic nervous, and in the sympathetic nervous system our bodies are filled with powerful neurochemicals, such as adrenalin and cortisol, that cause us to react with a Flight, Fight, or Freeze response.

So you are probably saying to yourself, “but I am not threatened by a lack of food, or wild animals”, I am threatened by other people, my boss, my addictive habits, or my anger and stress. To the brain, the source of the threat is still outside ourselves, something outside ourselves is trying to harm us, or cause us problems, and so instead of looking inside of ourselves,  and we are looking for ways of solving these issues with things outside ourselves.

Hypnosis actually allows the receiver to go deep inside themselves and look at the original message /program, that cause them to feel the fear / threat. Then with the power of mindfulness and awareness, the receiver of the Hypnosis will be able to look at the images and messages and see them for what they really are, JUST IMAGES AND MESSAGES.

The big lesson is that we are not our thoughts, we are not are emotions. we are the person in charge of those thoughts and images. Utilizing the power of Hypnosis will allow you, the client, to remain calm and relaxed while you let go of the thoughts and images and call up thoughts and images that will will allow you to switch over to the Para- Sympathetic  Nervous where our body is filled with powerful neuro chemicals, such as endorphins, dopamine, serotonins, and melatonin, that cause us to relax and regain control of the random thoughts and images that fill our heads.

I have witnessed clients give up addictive behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, food, and harsh drugs. With just the act of becoming mindful,  through Hypnosis, deep breathing, and adopting daily gratitude’s. People who have been full of fear, full of stress, and daily tension, are finding that by adopting the use of Hypnosis, their lives change dramatically.

Why wait, take the step, call today, and start a new, positive, and powerful life. Let go of stress, fears, and addictions. Take total control of your life, remember with Hypnosis, You are in charge here. CALL Foundations Personal Energy Mastery, (206) 417-4900 or e-mail Foundations at dlscott2@comcast.net and start taking Charge of Your life.