A potential client called recently and asked if Hypnotherapy can help him deal with Stress and Trauma?  As I explained to him, all Stress and Trauma are the result of images and thoughts that we carry around in our brains, and the brain knows no difference between a real or imagined event.

I went on to explain how Hypnotherapy is one of the most powerful tools to deal with stress and trauma. With Hynotherapy you will learn that you are not your thoughts, or emotions, but you are the Master of your Thoughts. You are the Master of your Emotions.

A Christian Mystic named Rene DeCartes once coined the phrase, “I think , there for I am”.  This single phrase, the single sentence, has caused more Stress, more Trauma, then any other in the history of world.

As our minds develop, we begin to record images and messages that we gather from all around us. We learn language from the adults in our lives, the parents, the teachers, the ministers, the freinds, the movies, the books we read. We are taught the names of things. We are taught who we are. We are taught that we are (our name), our gender. Everything that we learn about ourselves, our identities, come from outside sources. We accept these ideas and concepts without much questioning. We are taught how to live in society. We are taught what it means to be good. We are taught what it means to be bad. We are taught that to be a good person, you have to be a winner. To be a winner you have to be a Dr., a lawyer, rich, powerful, you have to fit in with the ideas of what culture deems to be normal.

With Hypnosis you will learn how to let go of false beliefs, false ideas, about not being good enough. You will learn how to accept yourself for you really are. You will be able to let go of your past and see it as what it really is, just the path that lead you to this moment in time. You will learn that your future is created in every present moment, and that with conscious awareness you can continue to create a new future. The only thing keeping us stuck are false beliefs and ideas. These false beliefs and ideas were given to you by your parents, who were given their false beliefs and ideas by their parents and the people around them.

Call now, (206) 417-4900, Foundations Hypnosis, Seattle, Shoreline, and Edmonds. Learn how to truely Master your Thoughts and Emotions. Eliminate the Stress and Trauma in your Life in just a few powerful sessions.