Addictions are a coping mechanism, and Hypnosis has a 77% success rate with helping remove drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. On the other end of the spectrum, 12 step programs have a 25% success rate with removing drugs or alcohol as coping mechanisms.

When I first started working in the social and human service field I focused on two avenues, Hypnosis and Substance Use. 

I started in the Addictions field in the early 1990(s), when the prevalent belief was that the only way to quit using was through complete abstinence and regular attendance of 12 step groups.  Harm Reduction Therapy was still off to side and considered useless by many counselors. At one of my first positions with a professional agency I mentioned the term “Harm Reduction” in the lunch room and the initial silence was deafening. This was followed by an explosion of arguments as to why Harm Reduction did not work and why it was dangerous to believe that it would work.

In the late 1950(s), Bill W., who started AA and made the statement once an alcoholic always and alcoholic, claimed that he had been cured of his alcoholism. This cure was brought about by his being given micro dosing of LSD while seeing a psychiatrist.  According to Bill W. he went through a spiritual experience that allowed him to no longer desire or crave his drug or choice alcohol. Bill had been diagnosed with Addiction / Addictions and for many decades stuck with his statement, (once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic).

Things have changed a lot during those early days of the 1990(s). All Addictions, whether they be food, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, or inappropriate behaviors, are now considered Coping Mechanisms.

A coping mechanism is any or the above listed issues that is used to help a person cope with their stress, anxiety, or what they believe is self protection.

For generations we were afraid of such things as lack of food, housing, wild animals, and attacks by people or events around them. The human mind is able to activate both our Sympathetic or Para-sympathetic Nervous Systems. It is our Sympathetic Nervous System that causes our bodies to be flooded with neuro – chemicals, such as adrenaline and cortisol that will activate our Flight, Fight, or Freeze responses.

When you are using a coping mechanism, (in this case drugs or alcohol), you were not doing anything wrong, you were simply trying to make your self feel better, you were trying to make your self feel safer. You had no idea of the dangerous side and after effects of these substances, and once you developed a physical addiction to these substances you now had to deal with these effects, plus you still had the original issue that you were trying to cope with.

Hypnosis teaches you how to switch from the Sympathetic Nervous System to the Para – Sympathetic Nervous, by lowering the frequency of your brain wave patterns and filling your body with positive neuro chemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine. oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. As you learn to create a positive effect in your body, you are also able to find safer and more helpful coping mechanisms, such as exercise, gratitude, and self hypnosis / meditation.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this blog, Hypnosis has a 77% success rate to alleviate the effects of Addictions as compared to the 25% success rate of 12 step / AA programs.

Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching works with clients who have been dealing with Addictions for years and they are on the edge of loosing their jobs, and their relationships. You will be introduced to and taught the ability to use technique of Emotional Release Therapy which works just like EMDR, only this is stronger because you are already in a relaxed state through the trance induction of Hypnosis.

CALL TODAY, Start your new and non-addiction life style. (206) 417-4900 or visit my website Foundations Personal Energy Mastery. Within a few short sessions will regain control of your life and your future.