When ever I help a client stop the use of Nicotine, I am so elated and happy to have helped save another life from the dangers of using Nicotine.

I use to smoke when I was much younger, (almost two packs per day), back when cigarettes cost fifty cents and then a dollar a pack, and the tobacco companies had so totally lied to the public  about their Nicotine product and the safety of its use, that they even advertised on kids shows like the Flintstones.

Nicotine, like any other behavior or substance is a coping mechanism. As human beings we are taught from the time of our birth, (and some people say that it is before we come out of the womb), we are geared toward self protection, and survival. Like myself many of my clients tell me that they wanted to be accepted by their  school mates and so I, and they started smoking to be cool. Within 21 days, any substance that we put into our body becomes a physical addiction, and thus a coping tool that we adopted to help us feel more relaxed around our friends, is now causing or can cause such medical issues as SOB, Cancer, Emphysema, Heart Issues, and a whole list of other medical issues which will eventually lead us to death,   not to mention the smell, and the damage to our taste buds.

With all of the methods to quit that are now on the market, Hypnosis has shown the highest success rate compared to such methods, as Nicotine gum, or Nicotine patches.

We are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions. That is one of the things that clients at Foundation Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching are taught as they easily, and calmly, regain control of their lives.  When you use Hypnosis to quit smoking you will be amazed at how easy and quickly you can complete quit, without any withdrawals, or cravings.

If you are ready to quit spending more and more money on a product that ultimately harms you, (cancer, heart attacks, and strokes),  causes you and your clothing to stink, takes away your ability to taste your foods, and now makes you more and more of an outcast then DON’T DELAY, call Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching today, at 9206) 417-4900, or e-mail the studio at dlscott2@comast.net.

In just four short sessions you will be living your life free of your Nicotine addiction.