Would you like to gain Emotional Freedom through Hypnosis? Would you like to learn?

Have you been feeling stuck, trying to move ahead but running into obstacles from your own thoughts and emotions?  Dissolve the obstacles and gain Emotional Freedom through Hypnosis.

The first thing to address is that we are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions, we are the energy, the force behind these thoughts and emotions. It was Rene Descartes, in the 16 century, that developed the phrase “I think there for I am”.  This is totally false, and just brings more stress and anxiety. An analogy that I use with my clients is that if you think of your body as the chassis to the car, and your brain / ego as the engine to the car, you have to ask, where is the driver. Does this mean that we have a Life Force / Soul / Prana / Chi? Most of us in western culture have been taught that we are our thoughts, we are our emotions, but this is not true. We are the driver or our car and operator of our brains.

As you go through the six step process of Foundations Personal Energy Mastery, you will learn that you have no actual control over other people or other events, but you do have control over you.  We are generally taught that we are our thoughts, we are emotions, but this is not true. From the time we are first conceived we begin gathering information from the people and objects around us. We are taught by our parents, our adult care givers, teachers, television, movies, books, and our friends.

You are a perfectly normal and rational human being, you are created to protect yourself from anything outside yourself. Thanks to our programs, (our thoughts), we tend to go into the mode of Fight, Flight, or Freeze, when we feel threatened, or unsafe, or stressed. These three protective modes, Flight, Freeze, or Fight, keep us in a hyper vigilante mode, and unable to relax.  With Foundations Personal Energy Mastery you can gain Emotional Freedom through Hypnosis.

Do you try to relax with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, excessive foods, and damaging behaviors, such as anger?  Do you want to find out how to take control of the one thing that you really can control,  YOURSELF!

I have worked with 100(s) of clients over the years and each one of them developed tools, skills, and techniques, that allow them to slow down, and not react to every thought or emotion that is provided by the brain / ego.  Some have completely quit the use of anger, and stress, and in many cases the use of substances within one session.

At a recent meeting of the National Guild of Hypnotist of Washington, I met a woman who claimed that she worked with me as her therapist almost thirty years ago. Since that initial work, she has stopped drinking, and has gotten off the streets and into college, where she obtained her degree, began her career, and is now in a  long  term relationship with the bonus of home ownership.

Others clients have given up various addictions and behaviors that they have struggled with for years, such as Nicotine, Alcohol, Heroin, Obsessive Compulsive Behavior’s, and Low Self Worth and Esteem to name a few.

As Henry Ford once said, “if you think you can’ you can, “if you think you can’t” you can’t.  Learn about your true potential, learn how you can take charge of the thoughts, and emotions, that are produced by your ego and nervous system. Learn how to focus on the things that you want, instead of worrying about the things that you don’t want.

Call now, Foundations Personal Energy Mastery or Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching, (206) 417-4900. Set up an appointment to begin living the life of your dreams,