From the moment we are first born, to your present moment, we are taught that we are our sum of our thinking,  we are our thoughts. 

A man named Rene Decartes created a very familiar phrase in the late 1600(s), “I think, there for I am”.  Sorry to say this, but Mr. Decartes missed the point. We are gifted with one of the most powerful and incrediable tools availible, when we are born into this materaial realm. The tool is our brain, it allows us to function by controlling our physical bodies, (our blood flow, our heart rate, our breathing, etc.). Our brain also stores and utilizes every thougtht and image that we have ever been given. Generally those thoughts and images come from the adults in our lives, our parents / care givers, our teachers, our ministers,  even friends, television, and movies. Most of these images and messages have no basis in truth, they are simply thoughts and images that have been passed on from generation to generation.

We have three main arch types that utilized all of the information that we have been given, and that we have accepted over the years.  Our Inner Judge bases all of your reactions and judgements, upon what we have been given over our lives. Our Inner Victim takes the judgement handed our by our Inner Judge, accepts it as true, and then our Inner Warrior creates and carries out whatever actions are necessary to fulfill our initial judgementre: the event that we just experienced.

Our nervous systems are divided into two parts, the Sympathetic, and the Para Sympathetic Nerous System. When our thoughts are negative and stressfull in nature, our Sympathetic Nervous Systems are activitied and our body is put on alert to protect us from the negative images and messages. Just like 1000(s) of years ago, when we believed we were in danger, our sympathetic nervous system went into action, and filled our bodies  with chemicals and hormone, such as cortesol, and adrenaline that sent us into a fight, flight, or freeze mode.

By paying attentionm, by becoming Mindful of our random thoughts and images, we can learn to focus on more positive thoughts and images. When we focus on the more positive thoughts and images, we access the parasympathetic nervous sysem and our bodies are filled with chemicals and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and oscitocin, which create a calm, and relaxed mode in our physical bodies.

I have worked with hundreds of clients who have learned the techniques of Emotional Release Therapy, and Mindfulness, to allow them to reduce and eliminate stress, tension, and addictive behaviors, thus eliminating major obsticles and barriers to their happiness.

If yuu are dealing with stress, tension, and addictions, and you want to change your thinking and thus change your life, then don’t delay. Call Foundations Hypnosis and Life Coaching now, (206) 417-4900. You will be so glad that you did.