What is EFT Emotional Freedom Tapping, and why does it work so well?

Many people are finding the astounding power of EFT Emotional Freedom Tapping, can eliminate both physical and mental issues that they have been dealing with. Whether that issue be physical pain or trauma, or emotional pain or trauma, the relief provided by EFT is astounding.

When a client comes in to see me for Hypnosis they usually expect me to put them in a trance, and through suggestion, rid them of any problem they are encountering. What they discover is that Hypnosis immediately lowers brain wave patterns and lowers both negative Neurochemicals in the body, such as cortisol; and increases positive Neurochemicals such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. In some cases the cortisol levels are lowered by 24%.

How does lowering Neurochemical levels in the body, decrease pain, stress and anxiety? Over thousands of years our brains have evolved to protect us from danger. In the past we had to be on look out for wild animals, starvation, and weather. Now we have a lot of these issues more under control, but our brain is still programmed to protect us and safe guard us. We are evolved to interpret such things as noise, words, or actions, in such away, that our bodies go into the sympathetic nervous system, and gear us to the fight, flight, or freeze response. These responses come from Neurochemicals and hormones being released into the system.

Once you learn how to bring homeostasis to the system and start creating positive and uplifting moods, then you can use the deeper levels of trance, through Hypnosis, to create new outcomes and intentions.

Using these incredibly powerful tools and techniques, (Hypnosis and EFT), people have eliminated addictive behavior, pain, stress, and anxiety from their lives, and have done so permanently.

Call now!!! Live the life you have been dreaming of. (206) 417-4900, Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching.