June will be upon us in just a few days, and that means that many people will be celebrating LGBTQ Pride.  Despite the gains that we have made in the last few years, legal marriage, adoption rights, and ending discrimination on the job, how are you doing with your Pride, with your acceptance of yourself.

How many of you can claim that you grew up knowing, being accepted and having acceptance regarding the idea that you are attracted to your same sex? Many clients come to me and tell me that they have spent their youth being bullied, beaten up, and terrorized by both the adults and people of their same age, because they identify as Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, or Bi-sexual.

One client who cam in too see me, told me how they recall that during the 70(s) and 80(s) they still had to hide their true feelings re: their life, and their sexual leanings. At work they were unable to put up a picture of themselves and partner together for fear of being fired from their jobs.

Depression, Depressed, Sad, Alone, Stress, Lonely

In today’s world the scene is changing, but making things legal does not always quell the trauma and stress that are created by old memories and experiences that are burned into our brains, causing us to always be on the look out to protect ourselves and thus living in an eternal moment of the sympathetic nervous system that helps ready us for the fight, flight, or freeze response.

AS I ask my clients, what kind of self talk do you subject yourself to? Do you practice mindfulness and awareness, where you can disconnect from the feelings that have become internalized.  (t has been reported that many people in the LGBTQ community turn to substances such as Methamphetamines’, due to issues of internalized homophobia). For many years I worked on a project with Public Health that addressed this issue, and I discovered the power of Mindfulness, and Awareness to help alleviate this sometimes unconscious feelings.

This upcoming month is June, an entire month associated with LGBTQ pride. Would you like to take charge of your feelings and start connecting with yourself, and those around you? Would you like to take control of old images and messages that create issues of low self worth, and internalized feelings of depression, and anger?

Foundations Medical Hypnosis and  Life Coaching uses a special technique called Emotional Release Therapy, ERT, that allows you to regain control, allows you to move from the sympathetic nervous system which controls your fight, flight, or freeze response, and move to the calmer, more mindful, and aware Para – sympathetic nervous system, which control the up beat and more positive responses in our lives.

Call now and lets talk, give yourself the awareness and mindfulness re: your own internalized thoughts and feelings. Make this Pride month the one in which you are finally able to come out and embrace your own sexuality and humanness.  Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching, (206) 417-4900.