I have had many clients recently, who are seeking help with Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Stress, Addiction, and PTSD. Without them realizing it, they have just chosen the best treatment for their complaint.

I am always reminded of what Albert Einstein stated, “you can’t slove the probem at the level of the problem”.  Foundations Hypnosis and Life Coaching does not spend hours and hours of talk therapy trying to uncover the specific event or event that caused the issue is the first place. What Foundations Hypnosis and Life Coaching does is to help you to change the frequency of the brain wave pattern that keeps the problem stuck in your mind, and helps you learn skills, and techniques that will elimate the emotion(s) that have been creating the anxiety, trauma, depression, anger, and addiction(s).

The human brain produces brain wave patterns that are designed to create two very different reactions to any event or scenario that you encounter. The first reaction is one that has kept us safe for 1000’s of years, and that is the flight or fight response. This response occurs when the brain precieves that you are in some type of danger. The issue is that the dangers we face today, are much different than the dangers our ancestors faced, with such things as wild animals, and environemental problems from living in the wilds. . In today’s modern world, we face stress from other people’s anger, job issues, or even the current anxiety and stress from out political system.

What most people donot realize is that these modern day stressors continue to activate our flight or fight response and create panic, trauma, and stress in the body by increasing neurotransmitters. hormones such as adrenaline, and cortisol

With Foundations Hypnosis, and Life Coaching’s ERT, clients are taught how to change brain wave frequencies to allow the second reaction to any event or scenario that you encounter. The second reaction is one of relaxation, and mindfullness. With this reaction the body is subject to an increase in neurotransmitters and hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, norinepinphrine.  When the client learns how to change brain wave patterns with simple techniques such as deep breathing, self hypnosis, and imagery, it becomes easy to change from the experience of stress and anxiety, to the experience of calm, and relaxation.

Clients are amazed at the results after just the first session!!!

Call today, Foundations Hypnosis and Life Coaching of Seattle and Everett (206) 417-4900.  In just a matter of a few sessions you will be feeling more in control, more centered, and more relaxed.