I have recentlbeen working with a client who sought the help of Hypnosis, and Life coaching   to deal with their Addiction issues. 

I was initially told by the client that they were very skeptical as to whether the Hypnosis and Life Coaching could help, but after the first session the client claimed that they felt more calm, more relaxed, and centered, then they have felt in years.  Now after 4 sessions they report that they have not had a drop of alcohol, nor have they had any cravings.

I have been working in the fields of Hypnotherapy, and Chemical Dependency counseling for over 25 years, and things have changed quite a lot. At one time, the reason for the addiction was considered to be the drug / alcohol itself. As time has progressed and more research and evidence has been gathered, it is being stated that the drug, (and drug could be anything from alcohol, food, behavoirs, and mind altering substances), is not the actually problem. While it is true that your body can become physically addicted to any of the above, after 21 uses, it is also true that by going through physical detoxification you can rid the body of the physical addiciton.  In the past, many clients were advised to go into a detox center and things would be much better. Many times the client would go through the detox, but once they were done with that process, they would retrun to their every day lives and make no other changes, on a mental emotional, or spiritual level.

Foundations Hypnosis and Life Coaching utilizes a technique called Emotional Release Therapy. This techinque allows you to deal with old memories, old images, old beliefs, and agreements, by allowing you to become aware of the thoughts and feelings that your brain and body are producing, and easily and naturally recognizing that they are simply thoughts and emotions that you do not have to react to. I know that that this sounds simplistic, but the scientific evidence and research show it to be true.

By learning the techniques of Mindfulness, Hypnosis,NLP, and Life Coaching, the client finds that the stress, anxiety, and tension, that they once tried to change by using mind or mood altering substances, is released by themselves. They no longer are experiencing the flight or fight response, caused by unconscious production of natural chemicals in the body, such as adrenaline, and cortisol. Instead they are able to  able to tap into the nervous system and consciously produce healing, calmining chemicals such as seratonin, and dopimine. These healing and natural chemicals are able to allow the client to relax, become centered and explore new healthy behaviors, that do not include trying to make themselves feel better with the old mood altering substances.

Call Now, (206)417-4900, Foundations Hypnosis Seattle / Shoreline. Start living the life that you have been dreaming of.