Do find yourself struggling with issues of Self Acceptance? Are you looking for tools and skills that can help you gain confidence, self worth,  and self esteem? Have you every thought about accessing your inner strength, your inner power, through Hypnosis, and / or, Life Coaching?

A lot has changed in the last several months. We, as member of the LGBTQ community, have fought long and hard to gain simple rights such as the right to marry whom we choose, or the right to be open in our careers, (including professional and military). Now on a daily basis we are reading about and hearing about how certain members of the government want to strip those rights away from us, we are constantly reading about not being accepted by others, and thus lessening our own Self Acceptance.

As stated in an earlier blog, do you ever wonder why the gay community has a higher incidence rate of suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, sex addiction, and a higher rate of HIV / AIDS. While at the same time you read about how the members of the gay community have a higher expendable income than most. Perhaps it is time to turn our attention to what is inside of ourselves, instead of constantly focusing on what is going on in the outside world.

Utilizing the tools of Hypnosis and Life Coaching, you can start turnning inwards and develop, self awareness and self acceptance.

From the moment we are first born, we are taught how to exist in the culture that we were born into. Our conscious minds, our EGO is fillied with images, messages, and agreements that we carry through out our lives, that tell what it takes to be a good boy, or a bad boy, or a good girl, or a bad girl. Unfortunately, most of us in the community, are taught that it is not natural to be attracted to someone of our own gender. If someone is attracted to someone of their own gender, they are taught that they are not as good as, and they do not deserve the same abundance and prosperity that their straight counter parts deserve. Our Self Acceptance is very low, sometimes almost non existant. Many of in the community still feel as though they have to hide themselves from certain segments of the population, they constantly feel attacked and belittled by the majority of the population. After years of fighting for basic rights, and struggling to come out, there still seems to be a tough road that lies ahead.

Our unconscious minds, our EGOS, contain three main archetypes that pretty well run our lives. The Inner Judge, The Inner Victim, and the Inner Punisher. Without any conscious thought, we judge everyone and everything we are exposed to, based on the information that we were given by the adults in our lives,  Parents, School, Friends, Churches, Movies, Books, etc. These judgements include our selves.How many times have you been focused on “I am not good enough, I am going to loss my job, I am going to loss my relationship, or in some cases I am going to have my rights taking away”.

In the case of many in the LGBTQ community, our Inner Judge is constantly creating self talk that is very negative and self defeating, from old messages and incidences. Many people find Self Acceptance hard to achieve when they live with the scars of “bullying” about our same sex desires and feeling”. As the Inner Judge deems us as unworthy, not good enough, our Inner Victim accepts this judgement withour much question. Then the Inner Punisher takes over, and merits out whatever punishment is felt necessary to take care of the Judgement, such feelings of low self worth, low Self Acceptence, constant stress, anxiety, or serious and long bouts of depression.

What can you do?

The first thing to do is learn how to shift your attention. Learn how to meditate using self hypnosis. With Foundations Hypnosis you will learn how to let go of emotions with a technique called Emotional Release Therpy, (ERT).

By learning to meditate, by learning how to use Hypnosis, and ERT,by developing Self Acceptance,  you can begin to take charge of your emotions and your thoughts and start attracting the kind of life that you want instead of the kind of life that you don’t want.

I have been a hypnotist and chemical dependency counselor for a little over twenty five years. I have been exposed to numerous therapy techniques and ideas over the years, but the ones that work are based on the idea that we are not our thoughts, and we are not our feelings. We are actually the consciousness behind those things. We are master of our thoughts, we are the master of our feelings, and until we learn some simple and basic techniques to actually start taking control of what is on the inside, until we start actually learning how to switch our focus from negative old belifs and ideas, and start focusing on posirive and powerful images and messages, we are going to continue to get stuck in a life of addictions, phobias, low self worth, fears, and anxieties.

Foundations Hypnosis, Life Coaching Seattle and Everett, has a program that is guaranteed to get you moving in the direction that you want and desire.  Just listen to these two satisfied customers:

“I strongly recommend D.L. to anyone looking to seriously face their challenges/fears. He has an amazing ability to zero in on an issue and not waste time talking about all the trivial stuff. During the toughest period of my life, D.L. was one person who I knew believed in my ability to overcome the greatest challenges. Rather than allow me to focus on the problem, he helped me see things in a new light and discover a completely new way of living. Today, I enjoy my life and have a hopefulness and confidence I could never have imagined. I believe that D.L. was the spark that helped fuel my new life.”  S.S.

Over the years I’d managed to define my existence with a whole lot of, I can’t. I can’t find love, I can’t get a job, I can’t go to school, and so on. With DL’s patient wisdom and experience my eyes began to open and realize there was an entire lifestyle out there for me that I’d yet to tap into. The only thing holding me back was my own belief system. And now the only thing “I can’t” do is be restricted by self imposed limitations. I now enjoy healthier relationships with my partner, friends, and family and am very excited about my progress as a student working towards the career of my dreams. Thanks DL.

So whether you are a member of the LGBTQ community dealing with comming out issues, or simply dealing with your own issues of self worth, and esteem, or stress related issues that include obsessive compulsive behaviors and you are seeking help in dealing with those issues, Call NOW!!!! Ccall for your first session now, and start living the life you have always dreamed of. Foundations Hypnosis, and Life Coaching Seattle ~ Lynnwood ~ Everett, (206) 417-4900.