I just finished working with a smoking cessation client, using Hypnosis and Mindfulness, who had actually set their Quit Smoking date for today, but when they arrived at the office, they let me know that they had not had a cigarette in six days.

They let me know that the tools of Hypnosis and Mindfulness made it so easy to quit, that they wished they had done this long ago.

When you come to Foundations Hypnosis, Free and Clear Quit Smoking Program, you are going to be taught several different skills and techniques to help you achieve your goal(s). First off, you will be shown the amazing power of mindfulness, to help you regain your ability to see nicotine cravings for what they truely are.  The cravings are based in a physical addiction to nicotine, but what is it that really triggers the craving(s). It is our thoughts and emotions. You have been using nicotine to help deal with a number of issues in your life, stress, anxiety, and trauma to name a few.

Once you are taught about being mindful, once you are taught that you are the Master of your thoughts, and emotions, you are then provided with more tools and techniques, that will help deal with the physicall stress of the quitting process. You will be given an easy method of lower your nicotine levels while working with such things as Emotional Release Therapy.  This proven and very effective process that will allow you to reduce or eliminate the majority of stress and anxiety and that have kept you trapped in the nicotine addiction.

Foundations Hypnosis Quitting Smoking Program works on helping you to quit by addressing the emotional, mental and physical components of the nicotine addiction, and according to clients it works very will.  Call today, (206)417-4900. Foundations Hypnois, Life Coaching, and NLP, Seattle, Shoreline and Edmonds. Stop Smoking easily and permanently!!!!