Hypnotherapy works!!!! When something works, everyone starts to use it. The power of Mindfulness, is being taught successfully, in both Mental Health and Chemical Dependency treatment, on a regular basis. I have been in the field of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency for a total of 27 years. I have discovered that out of all of the tools, skills, and tchniques that I have employed, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching and Mindfulness, are successful over 93% of the time.

The thing that both Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy have in common, is that they focus on the solution, not on the porblem.  It was Albert Einstein who stated that you can not solve the problem at the level of the problem. Hypnotherpy utilizes specific techniques that help a client to let go of shame and guilt, and eliminates such condtions as anxiety, depression, PTSD.

There are many misunderstandings about Hypnotherapy, and Mindfulness. I have many clients who come to me in hopes of having me put them into a trance and then, as if they were given a magical bullet, they were hoping that the problem(s) or issue(s) would go away.

What they find is that by utilizing Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness, they are able to let go of the emotions associated with their issue(s), without the use of medicine, and with out years of talk therapy.  Instead they are taught simple techiqnes that put them in charge of their life, and in charge of the thoughts and feelings that create that life.

A great example are clients who come to see me for smoking cessation. Instead of drugs that create serious side effects, they are taught techiques that come from within themselves. They are taught how to eliminate thoughts and cravings by becoming Mindful and aware of, and using the very thing that caused the addiction, or behavior, in the first place, their Thoughts and Emotions.

Another example can be found in clients who are seeking to reduce or eliminate stress and anxiety in their lives. Once again, by becoming Mindful and aware of the very thing that caused the issue in the first place, their own Thoughts and Emotions, they are taught how easy it can be to reduce and eliminate Stress from their lives, and start living a peaceful, happy and successful life they have always dreamed of.

Call now, discover the power and strength that can allow you to move ahead in life. Whether your issue is addictive behavior, stress, anxiety, lack of abundance, wanting a career change, or just waking up in a better mood, you can find your answers here. Foundations Personal Energy Mastery, Hypnosis, and Life Coaching, at (206) 417-4900.