Today I know the truth, you really can Open the Closet Door with Hypnosis.

There was a time when I sat at my desk and looked at the flower giving to me by my partner, (now husband), wondering when I would be able to put a picture of him on the desk, along with the flower. Thirty Eight Years ago, the LGBTQ community still had some hard battles to be fought before we could completely Open the closet Door and express our love and commitment to our partners.  

I am seeing more and more clients who are stressed out and anxious about the new law(s) of the land as more and more rights are being taking from, or being threatened to be taking from,  people who do not fit the white, straight, male model in this culture. What is causing this? Is it the outside events or is it our / your reaction to the outside events.

As I teach all of my clients, we are not our thoughts, we are not our emotions, we are the masters of our thoughts, the masters of our emotions. . Our thoughts and emotions are created by our brains, and the main reason is to make sure that we are safe and secure. When we feel threatened or we feel the need to protect ourselves, we respond with the Fight, Flight, or Freeze, response. This type of response has saved us from dangers such as wild animals, hunger, and natural disasters, and these days these responses cause us to get stuck in issues of stress and anxiety.

When we become stressed or anxious about the events and people around us, we allow ourselves to be controlled by those events and people around us. How can we stopped being controlled by outside forces?

The first step is to sit back, take a deep breath, and focus on letting go of built up tension and stress that lie in the cells and muscles of our bodies.


Man meditating


Many people who come seeking help through Foundations Medical Hypnosis have been trying to build their own meditation mindfulness practices and these practices are acting as their own Foundation, their own first steps into the world of self control and self power.

Think about how you were raised, think about the images and messages that were programmed into your brain / ego in regards to your sexuality and what is acceptable or appropriate for you to move freely and happily through this culture.  Often times we take those images and messages and bury them deeply into the subconscious portions of your brains, we bury them so deep that often times we don’t consciously remember those images and messages, but despite our lack of conscious memories, we are still effected and guided by the images and messages.

Suicide in the LGBTQ community is on the rise, as we all face more hate crimes, and watch the news with stories about our community being put back in its place with the loss of the right to marry, and the right for gay couples to adopt.

Are you trying to deal with your own version of internalized homophobia? Are you still living behind the closet door and desperately seeking a way out? Call Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching, and gain the skills and techniques that you can use to escape from this self imposed prison. with the addition of a technique called Emotional Release Therapy, ERT for short, you can reclaim your responses and thus your life.

Don’t delay, call (206) 417-4900 or e-mail Foundations at, YOU WILL BE SO GLAD YOU DID!!!!!