One of the most effective and most powerful techniques used in counseling today is Emotional Release Therapy. .

When I started in this field, back in the early 1990(s), I wanted to learn how to help people lessen their stress and anxiety. I had been working as a Medical Assistant on an Oncology Unit is a large hospital in Seattle Washington. I would have frequent talks with the Dr(s). and was always told that “you can give someone all of the chemotherapy, and / or radiation therapy in the world, but unless you were given the patient tools to help them deal with stress or anxiety, the chemo, and / or radiation would not work as profoundly”.

I became interested in helping clients with the issue of stress and anxiety, but was not quite sure what would work best. After several weeks of research, I decided to become certified in Hypnosis. As I said, above, I was new to all of this, and did realize that I was simply taking the first step on a journey to discovery one of the most powerful tools in the field of mental health.

Whether it is called EMDR, (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), or Emotional Freedom Therapy, or Emotional Release Therapy, it works in the same manner.  In the early 1990(s) the technique had not been widely accepted, and I, along with many of my colleges was not aware of the power that it contained for my clients.

Emotional Release Therapy is a technique that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distresses that come from negative life experiences.  In most cases my clients are able to recover and heal from stress and anxiety that have gripped their lives for years. With ERT, Emotional Release Therapy. the mind can in fact heal from psychological trauma in the same way that the body heals from physical trauma.  Lets say that you cut your arm, your body goes to work healing the cut.  When something irritates the cut  the body is slow to, or has problems healing the cut. If you apply a band aid or dressing to protect the cut the healing continues and at a faster rate. With Emotional Release Therapy the brains ability to release or heal the trauma is increased and soon the stress or anxiety caused by the trauma is GONE!!! The body is always geared toward healing, and with ERT, the body / brain is free to do what it is suppose to do naturally.

In psychotherapy, the same type of technique, known as EMDR, is now widely being used with good results. With Hypnosis and Emotional Release Therapy, the results are faster, and even more profound. The addition of already being relaxed and in a trance state, allows the ERT to accelerate and the results are even stronger.

CALL NOW!!!!! Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching  Seattle, Edmonds, Everette, and Bellevue, (206) 417-4900, you can swiftly reduce and eliminate the effects of stress and trauma that have been holding you back, that have kept you stuck.