How can Hypnosis help with the feelings of anxiety and stress that accompany Social Isolation caused by Covid – 19?

I have more and more clients calling to seek help dealing with stress and anxiety, that they believe is caused by thee Social Isolation that they are being forced into Social Isolation. Clients are telling me that despite the fact that they are experiencing good things in their lives, such as  working out of the home, and or working in what is called essential businesses,  and able to pay bills. Despite the fact that they have figured out how to still see friends by meeting outside, (many restaurants are setting up outside covered areas with heat). Despite the fact that they are having to wear face masks to help slow down the spread of Covid-19, (the state of Washington is a good example of keeping infection rates and deaths down due to the fact that more and more people are complying with safety protocols), they are becoming very stressed by the fact that they are unable to see their friends or sometimes family members as conditions change and they are finding it harder and harder to meet in an outside open space.

What exactly causes stress? Dr. Stephen Wolinsky PHD, believes that the majority of our stress and anxiety is caused by coping mechanisms that we originally used to pass safely through a Traumatic event in our lives. As stated in his book, “Trances People Live”, Stress is caused by our thoughts and emotions. In each and everyone of our pasts we have experienced some form of trauma. What this actually means is that as children we will we will try to keep ourselves safe by behaviors and mental states that are most helpful in buffering us against the first experience that we are not able to integrate, such as being bullied, abused, or generally treated in a less than fashion. While these events are called Trauma, or Crisis, they are actually any event or interaction that exceeds the child’s capacity to fully feel, process, and integrate. Since the original response or behavior worked to protect you in the original context, our brains have unconsciously created an automatic response to the environment in general.  To put it simply, our brains are designed to protect us, and when we run up against something that the brain feels is a danger or might cause us harm in some way, the brain will continue to use coping mechanisms or tools that were designed to help us with the original stress.   In other words the Stress and Anxiety become and remain our unconscious coping mechanisms.

With Foundations Personal Energy Mastery, the client is taught that although they have no control over other people and outside events, they do have complete control over themselves. Utilizing Hypnosis, Emotional Release Therapy, Meditation, Deep Vagus Nerve Breathing, and tools from the rapidly growing field of Mindfulness, you, the client will be able to reduce and eliminate such coping mechanisms as Cigarettes, Drugs, Alcohol, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress.

Call Now, (206) 417-4900, change your coping mechanism from one with a lot of serious consequences, to a healthy and powerful coping mechanism, that will allow you to live each day of your life with less and ultimately no stress or anxiety.