Have you ever wondered why the LGBTQ / gay community has a higher rate of suicide, alcoholism, and drug addiction?

From the moment that we are first born, we are taught how to behave, how to act, to fit in with society. We are taught through television, movies, the adults in our lives, the churches, teachers, and friends, how we must behave and how we must act, to be a good girl / boy, or what behaviors consitute being a bsd boy / girl.

In our society there are many lessons and messages about how sinful and perverted it is, to be anything besides the gender conforming male, or female roles. In the native american tribes, there are at least five recognized gender roles. Each one is believed to be the correct one according to what the creator intended each person to be. In our white male dominant culture, you have two roles to choose from, and if you don’t fit in with these roles, then you are told that there is something wrong with you, You are told that you are either female or male, nothing else.

What if you could look deep inside of yourself and discovery who you truely are, without any feelings of guilt or shame? What if you simply live your life the way you feel.  It is possible, and it is being done more and more.

The first thing to recognize is that you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions. You are the master of your thoughts, you are the master of your emotions. With Hypnosis, Life coaching, and Mindfulness your will be taught how to take control of your thoughts, and emotions. You will be shown how to eliminate stress and tension, that keep you stuck and feeling anxious, depressed, and afraid.

With Hypnosis, and Life Coaching, you can move ahead in life, you can live a happy, and joy filled life. Hyopnosis is the powerful and effective tools to help you move ahead in life. Make this year the start of a new life, one filled with freedom and peace. Don.t delay call (206) 417-4900 today and schedule your first appointment.