The world is very stressful and isolating in these last few months. Many people are struggling with anxiety, depression, and the inability to relax and find your center. Coping Mechanisms such as alcohol, drugs, and anger, are on the rise, and people are looking for techniques and methods to help them make it through these trying times without leaving the consequences and scars of those coping mechanisms.

Do you find yourself constantly stressed, unable to sleep, or constantly fighting with your partner or friends. Do dread the thought of being socially isolated, unable to just drop by and hang out with friends and family, like you use to be able to do, do you dread turning on the news and being assaulted with negative and anger filled reports on a consistent basis? You can learn new, safe, and healthy coping mechanisms that will help you  to relax and find your center with Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching.

5 Meditation Tips for People Who Don't (Yet) Like to Meditate

With the power of Hypnosis, Life Coaching and Emotional Release Therapy, my clients have been guided toward calm, inner peace. They are taught that they have no control over other people and other events, but they do have control over themselves and their own reactions.  In just a few short sessions they are taught that they are the master of their thoughts, the master of their emotions.

Foundations Hypnosis uses a special technique called Emotional Release Therapy, which works by lower the rate and vibrational patterns of brain waves to allow people to let go of attachments and emotional ties.

Clients report that they fell calmer, more relaxed, and more focused by the end of just the first session.

Call Now, (206) 417-4900, Foundations Medical Hypnosis, Life Coaching, and Personal Energy Mastery. Life a calmer, more relaxed, and stress free life NOw!!!!