I recently worked with a client who was seeking help through Hypnosis with an addicition. In their case the addiction was threatening them with job loss and the loss of a long term marriage. What they learned was that they needed to clear up the originating trauma which caused the addiction to manifest in their life. When the client  came in they expected to be put into a trance state and instructed to let go of their desire to drink alcohol on a daily basis.

I explained that Clinical or Medical Hypnosis was not the same as Stage or Entertainment Hypnosis.  I explained how the brain works in terms of Frequencies and how its main function is to protect them by creating, or adopting,  coping mechanisms. I furtherd explained tha I would be using a proven technique called Emotional Release Therapy, and just by changing brain wave frequencies, they would be able to tap into healthier and more satisfying coping mechanisms that would not cause them the same consequencies that they Alcohol Usage was causing in their lives.

It has been proven that all Mental Health issues and Chemical Dependency issues come from trauma or stress. The trauma may be a conscious or an unconscious memory but either way it is fueling the need to use a coping mechanism to help ease the feelings originally created by the trauma. You see our brains have the ability to activate either the sympathetic or para-sympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system releases neuro chemicals and hormones that create our flight, fight, or freeze response. When we enter into this pattern, it is very comman to adopt an unhelathy or addictive behavior, such as using drugs, alcohol, nicotine, food, or negative behaviors to try and cover over the feelings created by the original stress, or trauma.  The para-sympathetic nervous system releases neuro chemicals and hormones that create a feeling of peace and calm response.

With Hypnosis, the client learned how to switch from the sympathetic nervous system to the para-sympatyhetic nervous system. With that simple technique the client was able to reduce and eliminate the feelings of the fight, flight, or freeze response without erasing the original stress, and in some cases not even remembering the details of the original stress.

After the first session, the client reported that they had lost the craving to drink alcohol, and within just a few sessions, the client confidently reported that they achived their goal of not drinking. They came in, elated that they had been able to comfortably attend a couple of social gatherings, and had no desire to drink anything more than a soda.

Call Now!!!! Addictions cause major helath issues, whether it be alcohol, drugs, nicotine, or food, you owe it to yourself to start the new year with a new attitude. and the ablity to improve your health.  Call (206) 417-4900, Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching Seattle, Shoreline, and Edmonds.