Give yourself the gift of health this coming year, Hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools to help you change your diet and attain your weight goals.  Just recently I have been working with a client who came to see me for sugar binging, and weight loss.  When the client first came in, they let me know that they had tried several different diets and programs, to help them loose weight, and to help them say no to sugar.

They admitted that they had done Hypnosis for quitting smoking several years ago, and after several unsuccessful attempts at weight loss, they decided to try something that had worked well for them before.

The internet is filled with quick fix diets, and magic bullets that claim to help you loose weight, but none of them address the underlying cause of obesity, or just being a few pounds over weight .

Just like with all Mental Health and Addiction issues, it has recently been discovered that underneath the symptoms is past trauma. The past trauma is not always recognized on a conscious level because of, what is known as, unprocessed memories.  The unprocessed memories, or past trauma can be something big, like constantly being bullied by classmates when you were young, or it can be a casual comment from a friend of family member that has gotten stuck in your brain and yet still consciously forgotten. Which ever one of these scenarios is at the root cause of your own problems with weight, they both create emotional connections that keep you feeling frustrated and stuck. As long as you are feeling frustrated and stuck, then no amount of dieting or exercising is going to help in the long run. What you will need to do is remove and let go of the emotional ties to the issue, and this will allow for a easy and long term solution.

Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching will teach you the skills and tools to eliminate the feelins associated with the unprocessed memories and allow you to move ahead with ease and confidence.

CALL NOW!!!!!! (206)417-4900, Foundations Medical Hypnosis and Life Coaching. Give yourself the gift of health in the new year.